Newcastle United Foundation. Yedlin surprises Byker school pupils

06 Mar 19

DeAndre Yedlin surprised pupils at Byker Primary School to learn how a partnership between Newcastle United Foundation and Byker Community Trust is having a positive impact on the area

The United star took the time to speak to the children and join in with the Foundation's activities on the day.

Byker Community Trust awarded £34,000 of funding to Newcastle United Foundation this year, to continue the delivery of numerous community programmes on the estate.

Since the start of the season, the Foundation has grown its Premier League Primary Stars delivery in primary schools in the area, as well as introducing Family Football and Onside sessions to another two Byker schools.

The funding has also allowed the charity to establish a new alternative sporting club through Premier League Kicks, as well delivering a series of employability projects helping Byker residents back into work, training, and education.

Carrick's Kicks, a joint venture between Newcastle United Foundation and Michael Carrick Foundation, part-funded by Byker Community Trust, has also found a home at Spires Lane.

Yedlin said: "It has been great to come to Byker today and find out how the Foundation's partnership with Byker Community Trust is giving opportunities to people from the area, and the incredible impact those opportunities are having."

Elaine Flynn, Partnership Coordinator at Newcastle United Foundation added: "We are delighted with the progress we have made in Byker so far this year thanks to Byker Community Trust’s continued support.

"We've worked hard to nurture this relationship so we can maximise the positive impact our engagement has on the lives of participants on the estate and DeAndre’s visit is a prime example of the opportunities this partnership creates.

"I want to say a huge thank you to DeAndre for coming along and getting involved. It was fantastic to see so many pupils with smiling faces at the end of the day."

Philip Pollard, Director of Operations at Byker Community Trust, commented: "By supporting Newcastle United Foundation to deliver programmes on the Byker Estate, we continue to provide opportunities for our tenants and residents to engage in a range of positive activities.

"The programmes, which are aimed all age groups, can provide a route back into work, training or education as well as promoting a fit and healthy lifestyle."

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